About Me
I have always known that I wanted to work with people…
which led me to taking a year out after my A Levels to work in a hospital providing social activities for the patients before going to university. And it was this placement that started me on a path into the voluntary and social care sectors for more than 20 years.
The POWER of Community
Wherever I worked I was blown away by how fiercely loyal and caring the people I came into contact were. Whether they were my colleagues, the individuals I was supporting or their family or friends.
I also became acutely aware of the stresses and strains they were under. Negotiating the complex and often headache-inducing bureaucracy, whilst balancing their other responsibilities and always giving of themselves.
I learnt so much about the power of community, relationships and that we all have something to offer.
They just need the opportunity…
Time for a CHANGE
As my career progressed, I found myself spending more and more time at my desk, and even though I was relishing the additional responsibility I was missing spending time with people.
It was also at this time that I started to look at ways to expand my skills outside of work and found hypnotherapy. I was so excited about using some of these new skills to support the staff, volunteers and the individuals they supported however this was not possible if I was mostly behind my desk.
After twenty years I made the decision to set up on my own... Hart Hypnotherapy was born.
Building STRONGER Communities
I am passionate about creating accessible, inclusive, safe spaces where everyone can thrive and come together and creating a business where I can do this. Supporting the individuals and groups caring for their friends, families and communities by offering a space to reflect, reset and recharge. Through flexible individual support, online, face to face and in the community. As well as through doing talks, running bespoke workshops and relaxation sessions.